Know Our History

About us

Future and innovative vision

Solutions for your ideas

We are a company dedicated to the development of applications and solutions for the financial and transactional fields. We comply with all the standards endorsed by the payment industry to protect information and maintain the security of our products.


Our Principles

We value our collaborators as our most important asset.

That’s why we offer them training and growth opportunities, as well as various benefits.


Our vision

Exceed the standards and expectations of our customers by providing the best quality of service, development, and distribution of Systems, always guaranteeing punctual deliveries, with the ultimate goal of becoming the preferred supplier.


our mission

Achieve profitable growth through Systems and Developments of superior quality, exceptional service, prices, and commitment to our clients.

Always offering the best returns for all our clients.

"Innovation is what distinguishes leaders from followers."

Steve Jobs

remembering our history

since 2008

KinPOS Corporation has been known for its passion for exceeding customer expectations since 2008, established in Miami, Florida. We have become a critical software development and distribution provider in South, Central, and North America.

We serve both small, medium, and large companies and Financial Institutions.

We value our collaborators as our most important asset. That’s why we offer them training and growth opportunities, as well as various benefits.

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